Bone reconstruction - Denta1 - dental clinic

Bone augmentation

Specialists in implantology and bone reconstruction

Bone replacement material

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02325 - 70 232

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Bone Building: A Key to a Healthy Smile

Bone building is an important aspect of dentistry that is often overlooked. It is a process that strengthens the jawbone to provide a stable base for dental implants to accomplish. If you have lost a tooth, your jawbone may shrink in that area. This can cause your face to look sunken or cause you to have difficulty getting dental implants. This is where bone building comes into play.

Bone structure is crucial to the health of your mouth and face. A strong jawbone holds your teeth in place and gives your face its shape. When you lose a tooth, the jawbone in that area loses its strength and density. This can cause other teeth to shift or your face to look sunken. By building bone, we can rebuild that bone and help you regain your smile and confidence.

Find out more about dental implants in our videos:

How does it work?
Bone formation?

starting position

The first step on the path to bone building is a thorough examination and consultation.


Before the procedure, we will give you specific instructions to prepare you for the day of surgery.

Bone augmentation

Bone reconstruction itself is a surgical procedure that is usually performed under local anesthesia.


After the procedure, you will need to take some time to recover. You may have swelling or bruising on your face and experience pain or discomfort.

How does bone formation work?

Bone augmentation is a surgical procedure that is usually performed under local anesthesia. This involves taking bone material either from another part of your body or from a special bone bank and transplanting it to the area in the jaw where the bone is missing. This bone material helps form new bone and increase bone density.

What can you expect after bone grafting?

After bone reconstruction, you need to take some time to recover. You may have swelling or bruising on your face and experience pain or discomfort. However, these symptoms should subside within a few days. It is important that you take good care of your mouth during this time and follow any instructions we give you to avoid infection and ensure bone formation is successful.

Bone augmentation and dental implants

Bone building is often a necessary step before dental implants can be placed. Dental implants require a strong jawbone to be stable. If your jawbone is too thin or soft to support an implant, bone grafting can help strengthen the bone and secure the implant.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is bone building?

Bone augmentation is a dental procedure that strengthens the jawbone and creates a stable base for dental implants.

Why might I need bone grafting?

If you have lost a tooth, the jawbone in that area may shrink. Bone grafting can help rebuild that bone and regain your smile and confidence.

Is bone building painful?

Bone augmentation is a surgical procedure that is usually performed under local anesthesia. After the procedure, you may have some swelling or bruising and feel pain or discomfort, but this should subside within a few days.

How long does it take to recover from bone grafting?

Recovery time after bone grafting can vary, but typically you should feel normal again within a few days. It is important that you take good care of your mouth during this time and follow any instructions we give you.

What is the connection between bone augmentation and dental implants?

Dental implants require a strong jawbone to be stable. If your jawbone is too thin or soft to support an implant, bone grafting can help strengthen the bone and secure the implant.

Where does the bone material for bone formation come from?

The bone material for bone reconstruction can be taken either from another part of your body or from a special bone bank.

This is what our happy patients say
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Patient stories
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Before and after
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Patient testimonials
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