Tooth removal - Denta1 - dental clinic

Tooth removal

Oral surgery specialists

Tooth removal 1

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02325 - 70 232

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Tooth removal: A safe and painless process

Removal of a tooth, also known as tooth extraction, is a commonly performed dental procedure. Although the thought of it can be scary, our goal is to make the process as comfortable and painless as possible for you.

Why is tooth removal necessary?

There are various reasons why a tooth needs to be removed:

  • Tooth fracture: A broken or fractured tooth often cannot be saved, especially if the break is below the gum level.
  • Loosening of teeth: Advanced periodontitis can cause teeth to become loose and unable to be saved.
  • Crowded mouth: Sometimes teeth need to be removed to make room for orthodontic treatment.

Find out more about tooth removal in our videos:

The sequence


Before a tooth is removed, an x-ray is taken to assess the shape and position of the tooth.


To ensure that you don't feel any pain during the procedure, the area around the tooth will be numbed.


The tooth is carefully loosened and then removed using special instruments.

After tooth removal

It is normal to experience some discomfort and swelling after a tooth extraction. Cooling, rest, and taking recommended pain medications can help relieve these symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is tooth removal painful?

No, the area will be numbed before the procedure so you will not feel any pain.

How long does it take to heal after a tooth removal?

Most people recover within a few days, but it can take up to two weeks for the area to fully heal.

What should I avoid after tooth removal?

Avoid hot foods and drinks, do not smoke, or vacuum the extraction area.

Can I eat normally after tooth removal?

It is recommended to eat soft foods and avoid the area of ​​extraction.

When should I contact my dentist after a tooth extraction?

If you experience severe pain, swelling, persistent bleeding, or fever, you should contact your dentist.

Why might my tooth be loose?

Tooth loosening can be caused by various factors, including periodontal disease, trauma, or tooth fracture.

This is what our happy patients say
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