All-ceramic restorations - Denta1 - dental clinic

All-ceramic restorations

Specialists in aesthetic dentistry

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02325 - 70 232

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All-ceramic restoration: A radiant smile thanks to modern dentistry

A smile can open doors, warm hearts and brighten your day. But what if our teeth prevent us from smiling confidently? The solution could lie in the all-ceramic restoration.

What is an all-ceramic restoration?

All-ceramic restorations are dental restorations that are made entirely of ceramic. Not only do they offer an aesthetically pleasing solution, but they are also biocompatible, meaning they are well accepted by the body and do not cause allergic reactions.

Find out more about restorations in our videos:

The process of all-ceramic restoration

Consulting and Planning

First, a detailed consultation takes place in which the condition of the teeth is assessed and an individual treatment plan is drawn up.


The affected teeth are used to receive the Ceramic crowns or -bridges prepared.

Adjustment and insertion

The custom-made all-ceramic restorations are inserted and adjusted.

Why all-ceramic?

All-ceramic offers numerous advantages compared to other materials such as metal:

  • Aesthetics: They look like real teeth and can hardly be distinguished from them.
  • longevity: With proper care, they can last for many years.
  • Compatibility: They are allergy-friendly and do not cause any unwanted reactions.

Many patients who have decided on an all-ceramic restoration report a new attitude to life. You can laugh, eat and talk carefree again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the treatment painful?

No, the process is usually painless. However, there may be some minor discomfort, but this will subside quickly.

How long does an all-ceramic restoration last?

With proper care, they can last for many years, often even decades.

Can everyone get an all-ceramic restoration?

While many patients can benefit from this treatment, it is not suitable for everyone. Detailed advice is therefore essential.

How do I care for my all-ceramic restorations?

You should care for them like you would your natural teeth: regular brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups.

Are all-ceramic restorations more expensive than other options?

While the initial cost may be higher, they can be cost effective in the long term due to their durability and lower maintenance requirements.

Can I eat anything with all-ceramic restorations?

Yes, but it is advisable to avoid very hard or sticky foods to prevent damage.

This is what our happy patients say
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Patient stories
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Before and after
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Patient testimonials
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