Cyst removal - Denta1 - dental clinic

Cyst removal

Oral surgery specialists

Cyst removal 1

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Cyst therapy – your experts for oral surgery in Herne

Cysts are benign formations in the jaw area that are often discovered accidentally through x-rays. They grow slowly and can cause discomfort if they become infected. In such cases, surgical removal of the cyst is necessary. The cyst follicle is completely removed and examined under a microscope to rule out malignant changes. For larger cysts, we use collagen or bone substitute material for complete healing. Since cysts are usually associated with tooth roots, treating the underlying cause is also important.

What is a cyst and how do we treat it?

A cyst in the jaw is a benign cavity filled with tissue fluid, blood or pus, surrounded by a cyst capsule. Causes can be inflamed tooth roots, remaining teeth or growth processes. They often go unnoticed for a long time until they cause pain. Our surgical removal of the cyst is the step to take if it is causing discomfort or poses a risk of tooth loss and other complications.

Find out more about tooth removal in our videos:

The sequence

Diagnostics and planning

First, we perform a thorough examination, often including x-rays, to determine the exact location and size of the cyst. Based on these results, our oral surgeons develop an individual treatment plan.

Surgical intervention

The surgical procedure to remove the cyst is carried out in our modernly equipped clinic. We offer a variety of anesthesia methods - from local anesthesia to general anesthesia, depending on the size of the cyst and your personal needs.


After the procedure, we will provide you with intensive care to ensure rapid and complication-free healing. We will give you specific wound care instructions and recommend follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process.

When do we recommend cyst therapy?

We recommend cyst therapy if you have pain or your teeth are shifting due to the pressure of the cyst. A jaw abscess can also lead to tooth root recession, loosening of teeth, and other complications. Professional removal is therefore important to prevent damage to health.

Jaw cyst removal cost

The cost of surgically removing a medically necessary jaw cyst is usually covered by health insurance. This also applies to complicated cases with general anesthesia. The costs will not be covered by health insurance if the sedation or general anesthesia is carried out at the patient's request and is not medically necessary.

Treatment process for a jaw abscess

The process depends on the cause of the cyst. In the case of tooth root inflammation, this is treated at the same time. The removal is usually carried out on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, general anesthesia or in twilight sleep. During a cystectomy, we remove the entire cyst capsule and its contents and intensively clean the area to prevent new growth. For large cysts, we use collagen or bone substitute material. A cystostomy is another method in which the cyst is opened only to drain the contents.

Benefits of cyst removal

Removing a cyst stops the inflammatory process and prevents possible malignant changes. If the diseased tissue is removed correctly, the risk of new growth decreases.

Possible disadvantages and risks

Possible disadvantages include extensive follow-up treatment of the surgical wound and restrictions in diet and physical activity. The risk of medical complications is low, but not impossible, with experienced surgeons. Possible risks include nerve damage, injury to nearby blood vessels and, in rare cases, jaw fractures.

We would be happy to provide you with more information and individual advice. Visit us at the Denta1 Clinic in Herne, where your well-being and dental health come first.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is tooth removal painful?

No, the area will be numbed before the procedure so you will not feel any pain.

How long does it take to heal after a tooth removal?

Most people recover within a few days, but it can take up to two weeks for the area to fully heal.

What should I avoid after tooth removal?

Avoid hot foods and drinks, do not smoke, or vacuum the extraction area.

Can I eat normally after tooth removal?

It is recommended to eat soft foods and avoid the area of ​​extraction.

When should I contact my dentist after a tooth extraction?

If you experience severe pain, swelling, persistent bleeding, or fever, you should contact your dentist.

Why might my tooth be loose?

Tooth loosening can be caused by various factors, including periodontal disease, trauma, or tooth fracture.

This is what our happy patients say
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