Gum recession - Denta1 - dental clinic

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Gum recession: causes, consequences and solutions

Gum recession, also known as gingival recession, is a process in which the edge of the gum tissue surrounding your teeth recedes or breaks down. This results in more of the tooth or even the tooth root being exposed. It is a gradual process that often goes unnoticed because it progresses slowly. But why is that actually a problem?

Receding gums can not only cause aesthetic concerns, but can also lead to serious health problems. Exposed tooth roots are more sensitive to temperature changes and sweet or sour foods. The risk also increases Caries in the root area, infections and ultimately even tooth loss. Not to forget that healthy gums are essential for the stability of your teeth.

Causes of gum recession

Receding gums can have many causes, and it is often a combination of different factors that lead to it. A better understanding of these causes can help you keep your gums healthy and identify problems early.

1. Inadequate oral hygiene
One of the main causes of gum recession is inadequate oral hygiene. If teeth and gums are not cleaned regularly and thoroughly, plaque and tartar can form. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on our teeth. If plaque is not removed, it can lead to gum inflammation, which accelerates gum recession.

2. Hard brushing
Ironically, the opposite, excessive oral hygiene, can also lead to problems. Brushing too hard or using a toothbrush that is too hard can damage the gums and cause them to recede. It is important to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently to protect the gums.

3. Genetic predisposition
Sometimes the cause of receding gums lies in genes. Some people are genetically more susceptible to gum disease, even if they practice good oral hygiene.

4. tobacco use
Smoking and the use of tobacco products are significant risk factors for gum recession. Tobacco makes it harder for the gums to heal and promotes the development of gum disease.

5. Incorrect tooth position and misalignment of teeth
Incorrectly positioned teeth can lead to uneven distribution of force when chewing, which puts additional stress on the gums and jawbone and can promote gum recession.

6. hormonal changes
Hormonal changes in the body, such as those that occur during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, and when taking certain hormone supplements, can make gums more sensitive and increase the likelihood of gum recession.

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main causes

Improper tooth brushing

Brushing too hard or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can damage the gums.


Some people are genetically more susceptible to gum disease.

Gum disease

Bacterial infections can damage the gums and cause recession.


As we age, gums can naturally recede.

Symptoms and signs of gum recession

Receding gums often progress unnoticed because they are usually painless. However, there are some symptoms and signs that you can pay attention to in order to take early action:

1. sensitive teeth
One of the first signs of gum recession is sensitive teeth. If you notice an increased sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet or acidic foods and drinks, this could be an indication of exposed tooth roots due to receding gums.

2. Changed tooth feeling
If your teeth suddenly feel longer or you notice that there is more space between your teeth, this may indicate receding gums.

3. Bleeding gums
Gums that bleed easily when brushed or even while eating can be a sign of gum inflammation and recession.

4. Swelling and redness of the gums
Healthy gums are firm and pale pink. Swelling, redness, or softness can be signs of inflammation, which often accompanies receding gums.

5. Receding gums
If you notice that the gums are receding from the teeth, making the teeth appear larger, this is a clear sign of gum recession.

6. Bad breath
Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth can also be linked to gum disease and receding gums.

If you notice one or more of these symptoms, it is important to consult a dentist. If detected early, receding gums can often be easily treated. But what measures can be taken to prevent gum recession? We will address this question in the next section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can receding gums be reversed?

Gum recession can be stopped or slowed in its early stages through preventative measures and improved oral hygiene. In advanced cases where the gums have already receded significantly, dental treatments such as the application of gum grafts may be necessary to rebuild the gums. Complete reversal is usually not possible, but proper treatment and care can prevent further damage.

How quickly does gum recession progress?

The rate at which gum recession progresses varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including the cause of the recession, oral hygiene practices, and genetics. For some people, gum recession develops slowly over years, while for others it can progress relatively quickly.

Is receding gums painful?

Gum recession itself is often not painful and therefore goes unnoticed. However, sensitivity and pain may increase when the roots of the teeth are exposed and/or when inflammation occurs.

What role does diet play in preventing gum recession?

A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals plays an essential role in maintaining overall oral health and can help prevent gum recession. Vitamin C and calcium in particular are important for the health of the gums and teeth.

Can wearing braces cause gum recession?

Improperly fitted or poorly maintained braces can contribute to gum recession, especially if they put pressure on the gums or if they interfere with proper cleaning of the teeth. However, good oral hygiene and regular check-ups with an orthodontist can minimize this risk.

How does smoking affect receding gums?

Smoking is one of the main factors in the development and progression of gum disease, including gum recession. Tobacco products reduce blood flow to the gums, reducing the body's natural ability to heal and increasing the risk of infections. Quitting smoking is an important step in preventing gum recession and improving overall oral health.

Can children and young people also suffer from receding gums?

While gum recession is more common in middle-aged and senior adults, children and teenagers are not completely protected from it. Inadequate oral hygiene, aggressive teeth cleaning techniques, misaligned teeth or certain health conditions can also lead to gum recession in younger people. Good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups are crucial to detecting and treating gum problems early.

Can stress cause receding gums?

Yes, stress can indirectly contribute to gum recession. It impairs the immune system, reducing resistance to infections, including gum disease. In addition, stress-related teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism) can put additional pressure on the gums and teeth, leading to gum recession. Stress management techniques and a nighttime protective splint can help minimize these risks.

How does pregnancy affect the risk of receding gums?

During pregnancy, women go through significant hormonal changes that can make the gums more sensitive to plaque and bacteria, increasing the risk of gum inflammation and recession. It is especially important to maintain good oral hygiene and get regular dental checkups during pregnancy to prevent gum problems.

What are the long-term consequences of untreated receding gums?

Left untreated, receding gums can lead to a number of serious problems, including deep pockets between the gums and teeth that are difficult to clean and are a breeding ground for bacteria. This can lead to further gum inflammation, tooth loss and even bone loss. Additionally, exposed tooth roots can cause significant sensitivity and pain. Early treatment and preventive measures are crucial to avoid these long-term consequences.

How does inadequate nutrition affect receding gums?

An inadequate diet that does not provide enough essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals can weaken the immune system and reduce the body's ability to fight infections. This can lead to an increased susceptibility to gum disease and thus to gum recession. Vitamin C in particular is known to be important for gum health, and a deficiency can lead to bleeding and receding gums.

Can regular use of mouthwash prevent gum recession?

Regular use of mouthwash as part of comprehensive oral hygiene can help reduce bacteria and reduce the risk of gum disease. However, it is not a panacea for receding gums. Choosing the right mouthwash is important because some products with high alcohol content can dry out mouth tissue and cause long-term damage. It is advisable to choose a mouthwash that has been specifically formulated for gum health and to discuss its use with your dentist.

Can professional teeth cleanings cause receding gums?

A professional teeth cleaning performed by a trained dental hygienist or dentist should not cause receding gums. These cleanings remove plaque and tartar, which can contribute to gum inflammation and recession, and are an important part of prevention. If you notice tenderness or receding after a teeth cleaning, it could indicate that your gums were previously inflamed or damaged. It is important to discuss such concerns with your dentist.

How do oral piercings affect the risk of receding gums?

Piercings in the mouth, especially the tongue or lips, can pose a risk of receding gums. The jewelry can constantly rub against the gums and cause mechanical irritation or injury that leads to recession. Piercings can also promote a buildup of bacteria that can cause gum disease. If you have a piercing in your mouth, it is important to keep it clean and have it checked regularly by a dentist to minimize potential damage.

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