Invisible aligners - Denta1 - dental clinic

Invisible dental aligners

Specialists in aesthetic dentistry

Aligners - invisible dental aligners

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Dental splints: A modern solution for one aesthetic smile

Invisible aligners, better known as Align, mark a significant advance in orthodontic treatment. They offer an effective method for correcting various tooth misalignments without the need for noticeable metal braces. By using aligners, patients can enjoy discreet treatment that does not interfere with their everyday life or affect their appearance.

Advantages of invisible aligners over traditional braces
The advantages of aligners over traditional braces are numerous. Aside from their inconspicuousness, they offer a level of comfort that is unmatched by metal braces. Their removable nature facilitates thorough oral hygiene, and personalized treatment planning results in efficient and predictable results.

How do invisible aligners work?

The process by which invisible teeth, known as aligners, correct tooth position is based on advanced planning and precise application of orthodontic principles. Here's a deeper look into the steps and components that make aligner treatment successful:

Initial investigation and planning: It all starts with a comprehensive examination of your mouth, including x-rays, digital scans and photos. This information is essential to get an accurate picture of your current dental situation. Based on this data, the dentist or orthodontist creates a detailed, digital treatment plan. Special software can be used to accurately predict how your teeth should move step by step over the course of treatment.

Manufacturing of individual aligners: Once the treatment plan has been completed, your custom aligners will be produced. Each set in the aligner series is designed to gradually move teeth into the desired position. Production is mostly carried out in specialized laboratories using high quality plastic materials selected for their durability and transparency.

Wearing phases: You will receive several sets of aligners that you are supposed to wear in a specific order. Each set is usually worn for two weeks before moving on to the next set. The aligners must be worn for at least 20 to 22 hours per day to achieve the desired results. They are only removed for eating, drinking (except water), brushing teeth and flossing.

Monitoring and adjustments: You will be invited for regular check-ups throughout your treatment to monitor progress and ensure everything is going according to plan. Occasionally, slight adjustments may be made to the treatment plan to ensure optimal results.

After treatment: After aligner therapy is completed, it is often necessary to wear a retainer to stabilize the new positions of the teeth and prevent them from moving back. The type and duration of retainer use varies depending on the individual case.

Why dental splints?


They are almost invisible and do not interfere with daily life.


Compared to metal braces, they are often more comfortable.


They can be removed for eating or brushing your teeth.

How do invisible aligners work?

The treatment process with aligners begins with a detailed examination of the teeth and the creation of a digital treatment plan. This plan allows the practitioner to predict the exact movement of each tooth. Patients receive a series of aligners that are changed every two weeks to gradually move the teeth into the desired position.

Care and everyday tips for using aligners

Proper care of the aligners is crucial to the success of the treatment. Cleaning the aligners should be part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Additionally, it is important to wear the aligners as often as directed and to avoid certain foods or habits that could damage the aligners.

Advantages of invisible aligners over traditional braces

Aesthetics: The most obvious advantage of aligners over traditional metal braces is their Aesthetics. Because they are made from a clear, barely visible plastic, aligners allow adults and teenagers to receive almost invisible dental corrections. This inconspicuousness is particularly attractive to many patients because they do not have to feel self-conscious about their appearance during treatment.

Comfort: Compared to the hard metal components of traditional braces, which can cause irritation to the gums and inside of the cheeks, aligners are significantly more comfortable to wear. The smooth edges of the aligners minimize the risk of chafing or scratching the mouth, increasing overall comfort during treatment.

Ease of use and hygiene: Another significant advantage of aligners is their removable nature. This makes oral hygiene much easier as the trays can be easily removed for brushing and flossing. This option for thorough cleaning helps reduce the risk of gum disease and Caries during orthodontic treatment.

Nutrition: Because aligners are removed for eating and drinking, there are no dietary restrictions like there are with traditional braces. Patients don't have to worry about avoiding certain foods that could damage brackets or bend wires.

Predictability and efficiency: Using state-of-the-art 3D imaging technology, dentists and orthodontists can plan the entire course of aligner treatment in advance. Patients receive a visual representation of expected tooth movements and the end result before treatment even begins. This predictability, combined with the aligners' efficient and targeted force transfer, often results in shorter treatment times compared to traditional methods.

Flexibility in everyday life: The patient's lifestyle is hardly affected by aligners. Because they can be removed for special occasions or for short periods of time for sports and other activities, they offer flexibility unmatched by traditional braces.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are aligners painful to wear?

During the first few days after inserting a new set of aligners, you may experience a slight feeling of pressure as your teeth begin to move. This feeling is usually mild and is a sign that the treatment is working. Painkillers are rarely necessary; If so, painkillers available over the counter can help. Most patients quickly get used to the feel of the aligners and find them to be far more comfortable than traditional braces.

Can aligners correct any misalignment of teeth?

Aligners are very effective at correcting a variety of dental misalignments, including overbite, underbite, crossbite, gapping, and overcrowding. However, there are cases where traditional braces or surgery may be a better choice. A comprehensive examination by an experienced dentist or orthodontist can determine whether aligners are right for your specific situation.

How do I care for my aligners?

Aligners should be cleaned daily to prevent buildup and bacteria buildup. Use a soft toothbrush and clean water, avoid abrasive toothpastes as these can damage the aligners. Always rinse the aligners with water before inserting them and store them safely in the provided box when not wearing them. Avoid hot temperatures to prevent the aligners from deforming.

How long does the treatment with dental splints take?

The duration of an aligner treatment varies depending on the complexity of the misalignment and how closely the practitioner's instructions are followed. On average, treatment lasts between 6 and 24 months. A crucial factor is how long the aligners are worn per day; We recommend using it for at least 22 hours. Regular check-ups are essential to monitor progress and make adjustments if necessary. The individual treatment plan, created before starting, provides an estimate of the total duration based on the patient's specific situation.

What happens if I lose or damage an aligner?

If you lose or damage an aligner, contact us immediately. Depending on where you are in your treatment cycle, it may be possible to temporarily return to the previous set or move straight to the next set until a replacement is provided. It is important to act quickly to avoid delays in treatment.

What happens after treatment is completed?

After completing treatment with invisible aligners, you enter an important phase that is crucial to maintaining the results achieved and ensuring that your teeth remain stable in their new position. Here are the essential steps and considerations to keep in mind after treatment:

1. Evaluation of the results
First, your dentist or orthodontist will perform a final review to ensure treatment goals have been met. This usually involves a visual examination and may also include taking new x-rays or digital scans to document changes from when treatment began.

2. retainers
After the active correction phase, it is common for patients to need to wear a retainer to hold the teeth in their new position. Retainers can be fixed (permanently secured behind the teeth) or removable and are custom-made to fit perfectly. The length of wear varies depending on the practitioner's individual recommendations, but many patients begin by wearing the retainer all the time (except for eating and oral hygiene) and then switch to nighttime wear. The retainer is crucial in preventing the teeth from moving back to their original position, a process known as recurrence.

3. Aftercare and regular checks
Regular dental check-ups remain important even after aligner treatment has been completed. These appointments are designed to monitor the health of your mouth, including the effectiveness of the retainer, and to ensure that no long-term problems arise. Your dentist or orthodontist will determine the frequency of these appointments based on your individual needs.

4. Continue good oral hygiene practices
Good oral hygiene is essential to keeping your new, straight teeth healthy. Continued thorough brushing, flossing, and regular professional cleanings are key components to minimizing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems.

5. Long-term view
While the retainer period may initially seem like an additional commitment, it is important to view it as an integral part of your long-term dental health plan. Maintaining the results of your aligner treatment not only protects your investment in time and money, but also promotes your overall well-being and self-confidence.

Aesthetic Possibilities

Our patients show their most beautiful smile.

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