Professional teeth cleaning (PZR) - Denta1 - dental clinic

Professional tooth cleaning

Specialists in prophylaxis

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02325 - 70 232

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Professional teeth cleaning (PZR): A radiant smile starts with healthy teeth

You know the feeling: a radiant smile can open doors and win hearts. But what if tartar and discoloration get in the way of your smile? Don't worry, we are here to help you. Professional teeth cleaning, often abbreviated as PZR, is your secret weapon against tartar, plaque and other unwanted guests.

Professional teeth cleaning is an essential part of oral hygiene and is not just for Aesthetics, but also the health of your teeth and gums. During teeth cleaning, the dentist or dental hygienist removes tartar and plaque that has formed in areas that are difficult to reach.

This thorough cleaning helps reduce gum inflammation and Caries prevent and can even help reduce existing inflammation. Your gums will also be examined to detect early signs of periodontal disease or other problems.

What is tartar and why is it a problem?

Tartar is hardened plaque that forms on your teeth over time. It consists of bacteria that accumulate on the surface of the tooth and calcify. This can lead to gum inflammation, periodontitis and even tooth loss. But don't panic! With regular PZR you can effectively remove tartar and prevent such problems.

Tartar is not only an aesthetic problem, but can also have serious consequences for your oral health. It provides a rough surface on which bacteria can attach and multiply more easily. This increases the risk of tooth decay, gum disease and, in worse cases, even periodontitis, a serious disease of the periodontium that can lead to tooth loss.

Professional teeth cleaning (PZR) 1

Find out more about prophylaxis in our videos:

The process of a PZR


First, we will take a close look at your teeth to identify the condition and areas of tartar.

Removal of tartar

The tartar is carefully removed using special instruments.


After the tartar is removed, your teeth will be polished to make them smooth and shiny.


Finally, a fluoride gel is applied to strengthen your teeth and protect them from tooth decay.

Regular visits to the dentist for professional teeth cleaning are crucial to maintaining your oral health and a bright smile. They not only help remove tartar and plaque, but also give you the security that you are actively doing something for your health. Remember, a healthy smile is a happy smile. Let's work together to ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy. Schedule your teeth cleaning appointment today and take your oral health into your own hands!

Fear of the PZR? We're here for you!

For many people, the thought of going to the dentist is associated with nervousness or even fear. This is especially true for Anxious patients, who may be so worried about going to the dentist that they avoid necessary treatment. If you belong to this group, we want to reassure you that professional teeth cleaning is a gentle and hassle-free way to care for your oral health while minimizing your anxiety.

Professional teeth cleaning itself is a non-invasive, painless process that aims to thoroughly remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and thus create the basis for healthy oral hygiene.

Why is the PZR so important?

The PZR is important not only for a beautiful smile, but also for your general oral health. It helps prevent gum disease, tooth decay and other problems. It also gives you the fresh feeling that only professional teeth cleaning can provide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is professional teeth cleaning better than daily oral hygiene at home?

Despite careful daily oral hygiene, plaque and tartar can form in hard-to-reach places and are difficult to remove using traditional home methods. A professional teeth cleaning uses specialized instruments and techniques to effectively remove these deposits, significantly improving oral health. In addition, professional cleaning also removes discoloration that can occur from food, drink or smoking, resulting in a visibly brighter smile. Additionally, the dentist or dental hygienist can identify potential problems during cleaning and treat them early to prevent more serious illnesses.

Does professional teeth cleaning hurt?

Most people do not find professional teeth cleaning to be painful. However, some discomfort may occur, especially when removing tartar or when treating sensitive areas. If there is sensitivity or anxiety, local anesthetics or relaxation techniques may be used to make the process as comfortable as possible. Talk to your dentist or dental hygienist about your concerns so they can take appropriate action.

How often should I have my teeth professionally cleaned?

The recommendation varies depending on an individual's risk of gum disease and tartar buildup, but in general, professional teeth cleaning every six months is recommended. People who are at higher risk of gum disease or who already have conditions such as gingivitis or periodontitis may need more frequent cleanings.

Can professional teeth cleaning cause bleeding gums?

It is not uncommon for slight bleeding gums to occur during or after a professional teeth cleaning, especially if gingivitis is already present. This slight bleeding is usually nothing to worry about and should subside quickly. Removing plaque and tartar, which can cause inflammation, helps improve gum health and reduce bleeding in the long term.

What benefits does professional teeth cleaning offer for my general well-being?

Good oral health is directly related to overall health. Studies have shown that oral inflammation, such as that caused by gum disease, can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Professional teeth cleaning reduces the bacteria in the mouth that can cause such infections, thereby contributing to better overall health.

What can I do to maintain the results of a professional teeth cleaning?

To maintain the benefits of professional teeth cleaning for as long as possible, good daily oral hygiene is crucial. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily and using a mouthwash if necessary. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks and eat a balanced diet to strengthen your teeth. Regular dental check-ups help identify and treat problems early.

Aesthetic Possibilities

Our patients show their most beautiful smile.

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