Root filling - Denta1 - dental clinic

Root filling

Specialists in endodontology

Root filling 1

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A root filling (also called a root canal filling) is used as a measure to preserve a tooth. The penetration of bacteria is prevented by sealing the tooth root with suitable materials, thereby avoiding serious inflammatory processes.

Metabolic products from bacteria can affect the human body as a whole and lead to inflammation of the bone marrow (root tip area).

Various procedures are used for a root filling (WF). The so-called thermoplastic WF has proven successful to date.

Who should have a root filling done?

In principle, all people who suffer from persistent toothache should see a dentist. Inflammatory and painful processes in the area of ​​the tooth root caused by a tooth fracture, Caries or trauma caused by treatment can lead to tooth death.

The diagnosis of a tooth root infection is usually determined using an X-ray. The spread of the infection is prevented during a root canal treatment by removing the inflammation in the root canal system. The actual WF then takes place afterwards.

The filling material should be distributed in all root canals and branches up to the root tip. The number of root canals varies depending on the patient. Therefore, the filling material is inserted into the root canal at a flat rate of around 3 millimeters so that the entire root canal, including the branches, is completed if possible.

Find out more about endodontics in our videos:

What does the process of a root filling as part of a root canal treatment look like?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a root filling?


  • Preservation and anchoring of the problematic tooth
  • Natural appearance of the tooth, as an artificial variant
  • WF replaces one in many cases dentures


  • Swelling and pain can sometimes occur after a root canal treatment
  • Infections or inflammations
  • bleeding
  • Damage to neighboring teeth
  • Injuries to bones, nerves and muscles
  • Loss of the treated tooth

What risks are associated with a root canal treatment?

Many risks have already been explained in the disadvantages of WFan. In particular, pain and swelling lasting several days should not be underestimated. They should initially subside after the first treatment. In some cases, the root canals need to be treated further.

If inflammation does not go away after a root canal filling, an apicectomy (WSR) can help. The tooth area is exposed under local anesthesia and inflamed tissue is removed. Finally, the root tip is separated.

A dark discoloration of the treated tooth can be associated with “visual discomfort” and make it necessary for the patient to whiten the tooth.

Root canal treatments can always be associated with complications. However, the treated tooth is almost always brittle and should be crowned after six months. This measure effectively prevents possible fractures.

What does aftercare look like after a root canal treatment?

  • Arrange check-ups with the dentist twice a year in order to detect any damage in good time. As part of this, x-rays are also taken to check the reduction in bone marrow inflammation. The new formation of bone tissue (around the root tip) is also examined.
  • Dental x-rays should be taken every two years
  • Teeth that have a Krone To be equipped or restored, the periodontium and tooth roots must first be examined. The lifespan of the teeth depends largely on the condition of the “tooth foundation”.
  • is coming up in the near future dental implant a solid WF serves to preserve the bone. A healthy and stable bone substance is considered the ideal carrier for an implant.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of an apicectomy?

The aim is to preserve the tooth and relieve pain and inflammation.

Is the procedure painful?

With local anesthesia, the procedure is usually painless.

How long does it take to heal after an ESR?

Healing can take a few days to weeks, depending on the individual situation.

Are there risks with a root tip resection?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks, but complications are rare.

How much does a root tip resection cost?

The costs can vary, but are usually between 300 and 450 euros.

Can I eat and drink normally after the procedure?

It is recommended to eat soft food and avoid hot drinks after the procedure.

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