Tooth preservation - Denta1 - dental clinic

Tooth preservation

Dental health specialists

Tooth preservation 1

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02325 - 70 232

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What is tooth preservation?

Tooth preservation refers to all dental procedures aimed at keeping your natural teeth healthy and functional for as long as possible. This includes preventive measures, treatment of dental diseases and restoration of damaged teeth.

Why is tooth preservation important?

Your teeth have many important functions: They help you chew, speak and contribute to your external appearance. Losing teeth can not only affect your ability to chew and speak, but also your self-confidence. It is therefore important to take good care of them and treat illnesses early.

Find out more about tooth preservation in our videos:

Prevention: The key to preserving teeth

Daily oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is the be-all and end-all for healthy teeth. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash.

Regular dental visits

You should go to the dentist for a check-up at least twice a year. Early detection of problems such as Caries or gum disease is crucial for tooth preservation.


In the case of tooth decay, the dentist removes the affected part and fills the tooth with various materials to improve function and Aesthetics restore.

Root canal treatment

If the nerve of a tooth is infected or dead, a Root canal treatment save the tooth. The inflamed tissue is removed and the tooth is sealed.

crowns and bridges

If teeth are severely damaged, they can... Crown or bridges can be used to maintain function and appearance.

Modern techniques in tooth preservation

Dentistry is constantly evolving. Modern techniques such as laser treatments or biological root tip resections offer gentle and effective methods of preserving teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I have my teeth cleaned?

At least twice a year is recommended to remove plaque and tartar and prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

What is the difference between a filling and a crown?

A filling is used to repair small defects, while a crown covers the entire tooth for larger damage.

Is root canal treatment painful?

Modern techniques and anesthetic methods usually make the treatment painless.

How can I prevent gum disease?

Good oral hygiene, not smoking and regular professional teeth cleanings are crucial.

What happens if I lose a tooth?

Tooth loss can affect chewing ability, speech and aesthetics. However, there are different ways like Implants or bridges to replace the lost tooth.

Can every tooth be saved?

In many cases, yes, but sometimes an extraction is a better choice to maintain oral health.

This is what our happy patients say
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Patient stories
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Before and after
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Patient testimonials
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