Jaw surgery - Denta1 - dental clinic

Jaw surgery

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Jaw surgery 1

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Jaw Surgery: A Guide for Patients

Oral surgery is a specialized field of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases, injuries and deformities of the mouth and jaw. This guide is intended to help you better understand the different aspects of jaw surgery and help you make a decision.

Find out more about jaw surgery in our videos:

The sequence


Before a tooth is removed, an x-ray is taken to assess the shape and position of the tooth.


To ensure that you don't feel any pain during the procedure, the area around the tooth will be numbed.


The tooth is carefully loosened and then removed using special instruments.

General anesthesia and sedation in jaw surgery

For many patients, the thought of undergoing surgery is frightening. Fortunately, there are options such as sedation and general anesthesia that can make the procedure more comfortable. Sedation, also known as twilight sleep, helps the patient relax and remain calm during the procedure. General anesthesia, on the other hand, puts the patient into a deep sleep so that they do not feel anything during the procedure.

Aftercare and recovery

After oral surgery, it is important to follow certain aftercare measures to avoid complications and promote rapid healing. This includes:

  • Cooling of the surgical site
  • Sleep elevated
  • Keep blood pressure low
  • Avoiding physical strain
  • Avoid nicotine

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between sedation and general anesthesia?

Sedation relaxes the patient and keeps them calm, while general anesthesia puts the patient into a deep sleep.

How long does recovery take after oral surgery?

Recovery time varies depending on the type of procedure, but typically patients should be able to return to their normal routine after a few days.

Are there risks with jaw surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks, but these are minimal and will be discussed in detail before the procedure.

How can I minimize swelling after surgery?

Cooling, elevating while sleeping, and maintaining low blood pressure can help minimize swelling.

Can I eat normally after surgery?

It is recommended to eat soft foods and avoid hot, spicy or acidic foods.

When should I contact my dentist after surgery?

If you experience persistent pain, heavy bleeding, or other unusual symptoms, you should contact us immediately.

This is what our happy patients say
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Patient testimonials
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