Ceramic implants - Denta1 - dental clinic


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Ceramic implants: The aesthetic and biocompatible solution for a radiant smile

Ceramic implants are an innovative solution in the world of dentistry. They offer an aesthetically pleasing and biocompatible alternative to traditional titanium implants. Made from high quality zirconium ceramic, they are not only strong and durable, but also hypoallergenic and free of metals.

Ceramic implants are white, just like your natural teeth. Unlike titanium implants, which have a gray hue, ceramic implants are almost indistinguishable from your natural teeth. They offer an aesthetically pleasing result that makes your smile look natural and healthy.

Find out more about dental implants in our videos:

How does one run?
Implant surgery?

starting position

It is assessed whether the bone, which usually continues to degenerate in proportion to the length of time the tooth is lost, is sufficient to place an implant

Pilot hole

If there is sufficient bone substance, a so-called “pilot drilling” is carried out. The position and final alignment of the implant are determined using a delicate drill.

Preparation of the bone

The bone is then prepared with a drill according to the size of the implant to be inserted.


In the final step, the implant thread is anchored in the bone.


Ceramic implants are hypoallergenic and free of metals. They are an excellent choice for people with metal allergies or sensitivities. In addition, the zirconium ceramic from which they are made has high biocompatibility, which means that it interacts well with the human body and minimizes the risk of rejection reactions.

Longevity and stability

Despite their aesthetic advantages, ceramic implants are no less robust than their titanium counterparts. They are strong and durable and can last a lifetime if cared for well. Their stability and strength make them a reliable solution for dentures.

The process of ceramic implantation

The process of ceramic implantation is similar to that of titanium implantation. After a thorough examination and planning, the implant is inserted into the jawbone and then allowed to heal. After the healing phase, the denture – a crown, bridge or prosthesis – is attached to the implant.

It is important to know that the success of an implant depends heavily on the quality of the bone and overall health. In some cases, bone grafting may be necessary before the implant can be inserted.

Care of ceramic implants

Caring for ceramic implants is straightforward and similar to caring for your natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups are crucial to the longevity of your implant. With proper care, ceramic implants can last a lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are ceramic implants?

Ceramic implants are dental implants, which are made from zirconium oxide, a type of ceramic. They serve as a replacement for the tooth root and can be used as a basis for Crown, bridges or prostheses.

Why should I choose ceramic implants instead of titanium implants?

Ceramic implants are metal-free and hypoallergenic, making them ideal for people with metal allergies. They also have a natural tooth color, which leads to a more aesthetically pleasing result.

Are ceramic implants as strong as titanium implants?

Yes, ceramic implants are known for their high strength and durability and can last a lifetime with proper care.

How long does the ceramic implantation process take?

The process can take several months because after the implant is inserted, a healing period is required before the denture can be attached.

How do I care for my ceramic implants?

Caring for ceramic implants is similar to caring for natural teeth. It is important to brush, floss, and have regular dental checkups regularly.

Who is a suitable candidate for ceramic implants?

Individuals in good general and oral health who have one or more missing teeth are usually good candidates. It is also important that the patient has sufficient jawbone to support the implant.

This is what our happy patients say
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Before and after
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Patient testimonials
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